Media Library (top-level)
Library Options:
- Double click or Enter Options: Select whether to Play or Enqueue selected items.
- Play all items on double click in playlists: Places all entries in the Media Library playlist into the Playlist Window and starts playing the selected/double-clicked item first. If unchecked, then just the selected playlist item(s) will be played or enqueued (depending on the setting above).
- Play search results on double click in media views: Places all entries in the Local Media view into the Playlist Window and starts playing the selected/double-clicked item first. If unchecked, then just the selected item(s) in the Local Media view will be either played or enqueued.
Column Resizing Behaviour:
- Resize only the selected column: Resize columns in the normal way.
- Resize column and adjust adjacent column: Resize the column and adjust other columns.
- Resize column and adjust all columns proportionately: Resize one column, but adjust other columns proportionally.
- Main Window lightning bolt opens Media Library instead of About Box: Self-explanatory...
- Save ratings to file for compatible formats (default: off): Checkmark this option to save 1-5 star ratings to the file tags for mp3, ogg, flac & wma files. When unchecked, ratings are saved to the Media Library database instead.
- Show all playlists on Send To menu: When checkmarked, shows all playlists in one big list in the Send To menu. When unchecked, places a single Media Library Playlist entry in the Send To menu which opens a separate Playlists dialog when clicked.
Online Media:
- Internet Media Rating Preferences: Specify Ratings: Allows you to specify what content ratings are made available in the Online listings (Shoutcast Radio, TV & Wire, Winamp/AOL Videos, etc). Useful for filtering out Adult/X-Rated material. Also has a security option for password-protecting this dialog.
Tree Options: Here you can specify the visual style of the Media Library's tree.
- Show icons next to the tree items: Enables or disables the tree icons in the Media Library.
- Highlight full tree item: Specify whether to highlight the full row or just the text (for the active view item).
- Allow right-click to make tree item the active view: When unchecked, just pops up the context menu when right-clicking a tree item. When checkmarked, also makes it the active view.
- Tree item height (default is 18): Specify the height of the spacing inbetween each tree item (accepted values of 1-60).
- Show eject icons next to the CD/DVD drives: Shows or hides the Eject icon on the right-side of the CD drive items.
- Group CD/DVD drives under the 'Rip & Burn' parent: When checkmarked, groups all CD drives under the 'Rip & Burn' parent node. When unchecked, each CD drive becomes a separate tree item (can especially be useful if user only has one CD drive).
- Media Library uses same font as Playlist Editor: Makes the Media Library use whichever font is selected in General Preferences > Playlist (useful for providing Unicode character support).
- Use freeform scrollbars when available: Specify whether or not to use skinned scrollbars in the Media Library for Modern skins which support them.
- Use alternating row colors in list views when available: Specify whether or not to use a slightly different shade for alternating rows in lists such as the Local Media "Tracks" pane (with supporting skins only).
Use skinned menus: Specify whether or not to use skinned menus (Library button, right-click menus, etc) in the Media Library. Uses standard old-skool Windows style menus if unchecked.
- Rating Column Appearance: Various options which affect how the Rating column is displayed in the Local Media views...
Local Library
Media Library: Local Library
- Display "Show Info" in media and album views: While viewing local media, display related information in a pane.
- Remember search filters in media and album views: Keep media and album search terms in the search field until they are cleared or changed.
Enable 'Recently Played' in the Library: When enabled, Winamp will keep track of when and how many times Local Library items are played. This setting needs to be checkmarked for Last Played dates/times and Play Counts to increment. Note that this setting is not associated with (and does not affect) the 'History' view in the Media Library, which is controlled separately via the History settings.
- Wait x seconds before tracking items: Waits the specified length of time before incrementing the playcount.
- Wait x percent of playback before tracking items: Waits until the specified percentage of a song has played before incrementing the playcount. Both options (time / percentage) can be enabled, and Winamp will use whichever of the two values is reached first.
- Use library title information for Playlist Item Formatting: Use library data for titles instead of ID3 tags (or equivalent).
- Display 'Refine' search field in album views: Add an additional field that allows you to further refine search results.
- Do not load the Library database at Winamp start-up: Dictates whether or not to load the media library database in the background when Winamp starts. Checkmarking this option can save memory.
- Use Artist as Album Artist if not available: Makes the Local Library database automatically store the Album Artist field the same as the Artist field, if the Album Artist field is empty on import.
- Search query delay: Adjustment for how long it takes the Search in Local Library views to start showing results (default 250 ms).
- Clear Library: Click the 'Clear Library' button to remove all items from your local library database. Note that this action will not physically remove your media files from disk. On clicking, you are presented with a simple Yes/No confirmation dialog.
Watch Folders:
- Media found in the following folders will be automatically added to the Library: A list of directories used for creating the Local Library database.
- Add folder: Add folders to scan for supported media files.
- Edit selected: Edit the properties of a selected folder.
- Remove selected: Remove selected folders.
- Rescan now: Rescan the listed folders for media.
- Automatically add played files: Automatically add all played files to the local library database.
- Rescan folders at startup: Rescan the listed folders for new media when Winamp is loaded.
- Automatically remove missing files from library: On rescan, automatically remove files that are no longer present in the listed folders.
- Rescan folders every __ minutes: Rescan the listed folders for new media at minute intervals specified by the number you type.
Metadata Reading Settings: Click 'Configure' to modify how title information is read when importing media files.
- Configure:
- Read file metadata tags on import if available: Read track metadata (artist, album, genre, etc) if available.
- Use the following detection logic when 'Any/All' information is missing: Determines whether to guess missing information if 'Any' or 'All' of the metadata is missing in the file tags.
- Smart: Detect the way metadata is included automatically.
- Simple: Detect metadata using the Artist\Album\Title format.
- No guessing: Disables guessing. If any metadata is missing, then all empty fields will remain empty, except for the Title field which (if empty) will be populated by the filename.
Online Services
- Allow sections to auto-resize: Uncheck to disable auto-resizing of Online Services sections.
Cache Prederences: Click 'Modify Preferences' to specify the media cache preferences.
- Keep pages cached for: Select for how long you want pages to be cached (default is 'One Hour').
- Maximum bandwidth for media in Kbytes __: Specify the maximum quality for video streams made available in the Winamp Music and AOL Videos section. This setting greatly depends on your internet connection speed.
- Minimum bandwidth for media in Kbytes __: Specify the minimum quality for video streams. Note that this setting is not used by some sections.
Podcast Directory Settings
- Subscription Updates / Update Every: Specify how often to automatically update any podcast subscriptions. If 'Never' is selected, then you will need to manually update your subscriptions via the Podcasts interface in the Media Library.
- Update on Launch: When checkmarked, updates your podcast subscriptions on Winamp launch.
- Download New Media Automatically: Select between: None, Most Recent, Last Two, Last Three or Last Five Episodes. When anything other than 'None' is selected, episodes for subscribed podcasts will be auto-downloaded accordingly.
- Download Location: Specify a folder for storing your downloaded podcasts. If manually typing a location (as opposed to clicking the 'Browse' button), note that this folder must already exist.
Podcast Directory Service: Here you can specify an alternative service to display in the Podcast Directory node.
Some popular alternative services include: AllPodcasts, PodcastDirectory & Audio-Podcast (more).
Media Library: CD Ripping
- Encoding format: Choose an encoding format to use when ripping CDs.
- Encoder options: Choose quality and encoding options such as bitrate and stereo vs. mono.
- Maximum speed at which Winamp should rip CD's: Choose a speed at which to rip CDs. Note: To rip CDs at speeds greater than 4x, you must purchase Winamp Pro.
- Read audio data from CDs using bundled Sonic extraction engine: Use the Sonic extraction engine included with Winamp. If unchecked, Winamp will attempt to use the system's ASPI driver or, if not available, the native NT SCSI API (Windows 2000/XP or later)
Output File Settings:
- Specify the destination folder for ripped tracks: Click 'Browse' and select a folder in which to store your ripped CD tracks, or type the location in the field provided (note, if typing manually, the specified folder must already exist).
- Specify the naming convention for ripped tracks: Type the file naming format to use with ripped CD tracks. Click 'Format Help' to learn more about the formatting strings.
- Use uppercase file extensions: Use uppercase characters for file extensions. For example, Winamp would use ".AAC" instead of ".aac".
- Automatically add ripped files to media library database: Add files created when ripping CDs to the Media Library.
- Automatically add tags with metadata to ripped files: Add metadata to files created when ripping CDs, if possible.
- Automatically calculate Replay Gain: Automatically calculates and applies ReplayGain values to ripped files. This is a hidden process which occurs at the end of each individual track. The default behaviour is to apply Album Gain (which also applies Track Gain). Note that enabling this option may considerably slow down the overall ripping process.
- Write track numbers as track/total (eg. 12/15): If unchecked, just writes track numbers as single integers.
- When tagging ripped CDs, make track numbers start with: Type a number at which track numbering should start. The default value is "1".
- Add the following to the comment field of ripped files: Type a comment to use in the comment section of metadata, eg. Ripped by Winamp.
Playlist Generation:
- Create the following playlists: Select the types of playlists you want to create when ripping CDs.
- Specify the naming convention for M3U and PLS playlists: Type the playlist format to use with ripped CD tracks. Click Format Help to learn more about the formatting strings.
Enable 'History' view in the Media Library: Enables or Disables the History view. The History view will keep track of when and how many times any items are played through Winamp.
- Track when and how many times all files are played: Keeps a track of local files.
- Track when and how many times all streams are played: Keeps a track of internet streams.
- Limit tracking to items played in the last __ days: If checkmarked, you can specify for how many days you want to limit the tracking.
Tracking Control
- Wait X seconds: Waits X amount of seconds before tracking begins.
- Wait X percent: Waits until the specified percentage of file playback has elapsed before tracking begins.
- Wait until the end of complete playback: Waits until playback has finished before tracking items.
Media Library: Portables
Copy to Local Media Filenames: Specify where to save files when using the 'Copy to Local Media' feature to copy files from portable devices to your hard drive (note, this feature also automatically adds the copied files to your Media Library database).
- Use CD Rip Settings: Checkmarked by default. Uses the same Destination Folder and Naming Convention as specified in the 'Output File Settings' tab of the CD Ripping settings. When unchecked, the following two options become available:
- Specify the destination folder for copied tracks: Click 'Browse' and select a folder in which to store the copied tracks, or type the location in the field provided (note, if typing manually, the specified folder must already exist).
- Specify the naming convention for copied tracks: Specify the naming convention for ripped tracks: Type the file naming format to use with ripped CD tracks. Click 'Format Help' to learn more about the formatting strings.
- Note: The following sections are only populated when devices are connected to the system. Select each individually detected device/player listed underneath the Portables root menu to access the configuration for said portable device.
Sync: These options affect what happens when you click the 'Sync' button for your listed device in the Portables section of the Media Library.
- Playlist Sync: Select whether to 'Update selected playlists only' or to 'Update all playlists except those selected'. The list underneath will be populated by whatever playlists are stored in the Playlists section of the Media Library.
- Library Sync: Update all songs from my Local Media Library: Checkmark this option to sync all songs listed in the Local Media section of the Media Library. Note that this option is limited to the amount of space available on your portable player.
- Use the following query to specify media types to be included: Use the 'Edit Query' button to specify the types of files you want to sync. This is useful for specifying audio filetypes only, and not video filetypes, or for specifying certain artists, filetypes, genres, ratings, etc.
- Auto Sync: Automatically sync my device upon connection: Checkmark this option if you would like to auto sync your device when it is connected and/or when Winamp loads.
- If I haven't done a Sync in __ hours: Specify the number of hours to elapse before Auto Sync can occur. If set to "0" then Auto Sync will always occur on every connect and/or Winamp load.
- Podcast Sync: Sync __ most recent episodes of: Select how many podcast episodes per podcast channel to sync (default value is '3' most recent) and whether to sync 'All podcasts' or 'Selected podcasts' only. When 'Selected podcasts' is checkmarked, the list of podcasts (if any) becomes active for you to specify individual items. This list is populated by any podcasts you've subscribed to via the "Podcasts > Subscriptions" view in the Media Library.
Autofill: These options affect what happens when you click the 'Autofill' button for your listed device in the Portables section of the Media Library. Autofill will select songs to fit on your device based on ratings and playcounts. Unlike Sync, it will select a different set of songs each time.
- Make higher rated songs more likely to be included in the Autofill: Checkmark this option to give priority to songs with a higher rating. This will make sure that as many songs as possible with a rating of eg. 4 or 5 will be sent to the device first.
- Aim to Autofill the device __% full: Move the slider accordingly. If you don't want your device to ever become 100% full, then reduce the slider setting to taste.
- Use this query to fine-tune what songs shoul be included in the Autofill: Click the 'Edit Query' button to fine-tune the Autofill criteria. You can use this to limit the minimum length of songs, eg. using a query of "length > 30" will ensure that files less than 30 seconds long will not be sent to the device. Clear the query field if you would prefer to set no limits, or modify the query string accordingly to suit your personal taste.
- Autofill full albums only: Checkmark this option if you want Autofill to only send full albums to your device, as opposed to individual tracks.
- Autofill my device immediately on connection: Checkmark this option if you want Autofill to occur every time the device is connected and/or when Winamp loads.
- If I haven't done an Autofill in __ hours: Specify the number of hours to elapse before Autofill should occur. If set to "0" then Autofill will always occur on every connect and/or Winamp load.
Transcoding: These options affect what happens when you try to sync or copy over songs to your device which are not compatible, ie. files which are in a format which is not supported by your device (eg. if you try to copy ogg, flac or wma files to your iPod).
- Enable Transcoding of incompatible tracks: Checkmark this option to enable Transcoding. When enabled, file formats in an incompatible format will be automatically converted to a format which is compatible for your device.
Advanced Settings:
- Force transcoding of compatible tracks if bitrate is over __ kbps: Checkmark this option if you want transcoding to occur even for compatible formats, when the bitrate is higher than the specified value. For example, if you type in "250" then all compatible formats (eg. mp3, m4a, aac for iPod) above this bitrate will be transcoded. This option is useful if your device is short on free space, or if you want to be able to fit more songs on the device, by force transcoding to a smaller bitrate.
- Format: Select a compatible format from the drop-down menu. In most cases, the default "MP3 Encoder" will suffice, as MP3 is supported by all devices. But note that MP3 Encoding is only available with Winamp Pro, therefore non-Pro users will need to select a different Encoder. The encoder-specific options appear underneath and can be fine-tuned to personal taste, if required.
- Highly Preferred: When set to 'Highly Preferred', then this encoder will be given precedence over others. To disable an individual encoder so it won't be used for transcoding, select 'Do not use' from the drop-down menu.
View: Media Display Settings:
- Two Filters: Default setting. When checked, two panes appear in the top section of the Media Library View for this portable device. Note, the Tracks pane along the bottom is always there, and is not included in the total Pane count.
- Three Filters: Changes the Media Library View for this device to three panes along the top section.
- Filters: Specify which Filters to display for the two or three panes. Choose between any of the following combinations: Artist, Album, Genre, Year, Artist Index (A-Z) (supported by all devices); Album Artist, Publisher, Composer, Album Artist Index (A-Z) (supported by: iPod, USB, P4S devices only).
- Show Video files in a separate view: Checkmark this option to show video files in a separate 'Video' view for your Portable device.
Advanced: Extra options for supported devices only. Note: This tab only appears for USB drives/players managed by pmp_usb.dll and Android devices managed by pmp_android.dll, but not for P4S, Creative, or ActiveSync devices. An Advanced tab also appears for iPods, but only includes options for gapless playback.
- File Name Format: Specify the destination folder on your usb device where you want the files to be copied to, and also specify the file naming format. For example, to copy to a folder named MP3, and to retain the original filenames, use: X:\mp3\<filename> (where X: is the correct drive letter). Click the "Format Help" button for further info & instructions.
- Playlist Directory: Click the "Browse" button to specify a folder on your device where to save playlists. Note that this folder must already exist on the usb drive.
- Supported Formats: Type in a list of formats supported by your usb device. For example, standard usb mp3 players might only support MP3. Whereas standard usb thumbdrives and flash drives support the storage of all file formats. Click the "Syntax Help" button for further instructions.
- Delete Empty Folders: Checkmark this option if you want winamp to delete empty folders on your usb device/drive.
- Save and Rescan: Click this button to save settings and rescan the device. Note that changes to settings on this page are automatically saved regardless.
- Refresh Cache: Click this button to clear the internal cache on the usb drive.
- Playlist Writing Options: Some devices require a backslash or dot or neither at the start of each playlist entry. Select the method that is compatible with your device. In most cases, the default option will suffice.
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