Podcast Directory



Navigate the different categories.

Click the Subscribe button to add a podcast to your Subscriptions.


Subscriptions View
The Subscriptions view under the Podcast Directory allows you to manage your podcast subscriptions. View podcast shows in the left pane, podcast episodes in the right pane and podcast detailed information in the bottom pane. Use the displayed buttons to Add, Remove, Refresh and Edit to manage podcasts.

Podcast preferences allow you to set frequency of automatic subscription updates, set automatic downloads of new episodes and set the download location for podcasts. You can edit the default settings in the Podcast Directory Preferences. To set individual podcast preferences, select the podcast show in the Subscriptions view, and click the “Edit” button.

Adding Podcasts
Podcasters who do not find their content listed in the directory, submissions can be made through Winamp.

Podcast Directory - Manual Subscriptions


To manually subscribe to a podcast from an external website, copy the URL of the RSS Feed supplied by the website, click the 'Add' button under the Channels pane, and paste in the URL

Podcast Directory - Downloads


You can manage your downloaded podcasts via the Downloads view. Use the buttons or right-click menu to Play, Enqueue, Remove or Delete selected items. Note that the Delete action will physically delete the saved podcast file from your hard drive (whereas the Remove action will just remove it from the Downloads list).


Note: We recommend that you go to the Podcast Directory Settings first, where you can set your personal choice of folder for storing downloaded podcasts, or where you can change the default frequency for automatic Subscription Updates, if required.



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