Now that you've filled out all the metadata for the track(s) you want to publish on Winamp Licensing, we'll begin the moderation process. During and after moderation, your tracks will go through the following statuses:

Status Not Eligible: The status "Not eligible" indicates that the metadata completed for this track does not align with Winamps' requirements set for Licensing monetization.

Status Ready: The status "Ready" indicates that the metadata completed for this track aligns with Winamps' requirements set for Licensing monetization, but it has not been applied to the licensing program.

Status In moderation : The track status "In Moderation" indicates that we are currently verifying whether the metadata you've completed and the audio quality align with Winamps' requirements set for Licensing monetization.

Status Accepted: The track status "Accepted" indicates that following moderation, the metadata you've completed and the audio quality align with Winamps' requirements set for Licensing monetization for the given product/program (sync and/or background).

Status Not Approved (Rejected): The track status "Not Approved" indicates that following moderation, the metadata you've completed and the audio quality does not align with Winamps' requirements set for Licensing monetization.


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If your tracks have been refused, you cannot apply them again. However, you can work on them and upload a new, remixed version of them, which you can apply again. When doing so make sure to have a look at the following page “Your track is rejected during moderation”.




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