In the Media menu, collaborators can upload and manage an artist's media. They can also create collections, which are groups of media that can include audio, video, images, lyrics, and more.

These collections are essential for releases in distribution and the sale of NFTs.


How to Create a Collection? 

To create a collection, the artist needs to navigate to the Media menu and select the tracks to include in the collection. It is recommended to complete the metadata first and only consider tracks marked as "ready."


Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 14.15.53.png


After selecting the desired tracks, click on "Create a Collection." 


Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 14.15.02.png


A new screen will appear, prompting you to provide a name for the collection and upload a cover picture. Make sure to confirm the creation of your collection by clicking on "Create a new collection".


Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 14.17.18.png


Once the collection is created, it will appear in the Media library under the Collections tab. As shown in the visual below, we have created 3 collections.


Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 14.19.22.png


To activate your collection, click on "Edit" and select "Distribute to DSPs" (or any other service line). This will guide you to the specific service line.





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