At Bridger, there are various different statuses possible for your musical works each time being indicated below the track title of each work.


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To be completed: You need to submit your work and indicate the splits

Conflict with CMO/PRO/MRO: This musical work has generated a conflict with another CMO/PRO or MRO when collecting royalties. To solve the problem and restart the collection, please get in touch with us.

Submitted or In process : You have submitted your musical works, and we are currently making sure we have all the information needed.

Split approval is in progress: You have added one or more co-creators for that musical work. We are currently waiting for the co-creators' approval or dispute.

Not original work: You’ve indicated that the musical work is “not an original creation." You need to send us the usage authorizations that apply to the musical work to start collecting the related copyright royalties.

Missing Information: Some information is missing in order for us to start collecting the copyright royalties generated by this musical work.

Rejected registration: The submitted information have not been approved. Further review is necessary before we can start collecting your rights for this musical work.

Registration Accepted : Your musical works have been correctly submitted and validated by the moderation team.





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